reiki,tradicional,Jikiden reiki, Usui, sensei, shihan, Lanzarote, Japan, Yamaguchi, Petter

Finding inner peace with Reiki

One of the most desired goals for us human beings is to find happiness and inner peace.

Usui sensei has not been a difference, in contrary.

He was seeking for it most of his life and thanks to his re-searchs, got enlightened and founded the traditional Japanese Reiki system.

So, talking about enlightenment, what exactly does that mean?

In shortly, we can distinguish between Satori and Anyin Riyu Mei.

Enlightenment generally can be explained as an awakening to your true nature of understanding and comprehension, your essence.

This is your most natural state in which you are born, in complete peace of mind, without fears, worries nor doubts.

Unfortunately, during our life we get unbalanced and lose this natural, healthy state and not only get physically, emotionally and mental sick but also unhappy…

SATORI 悟り is a Japanese Zen Buddhist term for awakening or comprehension; understanding”. It is derived from the Japanese verb satoru.

It refers to A DEFINED MOMENT of no-mind, of complete presence – happiness. Enlightenment.

Everybody experiences moments of Satori during their lifetime. The moment of giving birth, making divine love, enjoying nature …. you might have had moments of total happiness and peace for a moment: that is Satori. The more spiritually awakened and advanced you are, the more moments like that will be in your life.

Though the human beings search is for eternal enlightenment, we are never satisfied with only “a bit”. The difference is obvious: there is nothing better than this sensation of happiness, this inner peace without fears. All problems get solved by themselves because we are totally in alinement with universe and thus no need to worry… This state of eternal peace of mind is called Anyin Riyu Mei and is the ultimate state of enlightenment.

How can i achieve enlightenment?

Normally there is no easy, direct way to enlightenment and less a “flash” method, though some people are very privileged and achieve it naturally, without seeking.

So again, what can i do to achieve it?

After he achieved his enlightenment himself, Usui sensei told people to give and practise Reiki every day, thus promoting overall health and love to the world. Parts of it was also to chant the Gokai twice a day and to recite the Waka of the Emperor Meiji.


Live in balance…. meditate…. take care not only of your emotional and mental health, but also of your physical health, eating healthy and exercising…

Love others the way you want to be loved: unconditionally. Treat others the way you want to be treated: with respect and kindness….

Nothing special, nothing out of the world: live the best way you can be. Everything else then comes by itself….

By Nabila G. Welk, Jikiden Reiki shihan, spiritual guide & therapist.


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